Sunday, 26 September 2010

Free Golf Tips to Improve Your Game

In this article I will give you some free golf tips that will help you to improve your game. I know many golfers who reach a certain level and can't seam to progress any further. I have seen players hit a couple of good shots then a complete duff shot that just trickles of the tee.

For most golfers, just getting back to the basics can bring around a positive change in their swing. For some reason, we get to a stage in our game where we think we should be powering the ball 350 yards straight down the fairway. When this doesn't happen, we maybe just try too hard, I know because it has happened to me. So I hope these free golf tips will improve your game - they have helped me out over the years.

Check Your Golf Equipment

Maybe you have been playing for a while or even a few years with the same golf equipment. It is amazing how many golfers are using the wrong clubs or golf balls for their game or physique. The worst thing you can do is play with clubs that are too short or long for you. If in doubt, get your local golf course pro to check what length of clubs is right for you.

The flex of the shaft also has to be of the correct stiffness for your swing speed. The more swing speed and therefore power you can produce, then the stiffer the club needs to be. For example, if you can generate a lot of power, you should use a stiff club shaft, whereas a senior golfer and some women will probably need a club with more flex to help generate the extra power.

For golf balls, you have to choose wisely; don't be swayed by manufacturer's hype. You don't want to sacrifice control for distance, so if you still can't hit consistent and accurate shots, don't go for a distance ball. You could maybe try a two piece ball for some distance with a softer cover for more control. Alternatively, go for a three piece construction for a good combination of distance, control, and spin.

The Setup

Some free golf tips associated with the golf setup include the grip, stance, ball position, and address position. There are many types of grips but you should go with the one that is comfortable for you. Note: Hold your club tightly, don't listen to some golf "gurus" that say you should hold the club loosely or just tight enough so that it doesn't fly out of your hands!

The main thing to remember is that the palm of your left hand faces right and the palm of your right hand faces left towards the target. The thumb of your left hand points down the shaft and slightly to the right and your right thumb, on top of your left, points down the shaft and slightly to the left.

Your stance for a normal shot is all about being square and parallel. Line up your feet parallel to the target line with your feet facing slightly outwards. Your hips and shoulders should also be parallel to the target. With your arms straight, your elbows are slightly bent downwards, not outwards, keep your elbows tucked in.

Set yourself up the correct distance from the ball; not too far that you are reaching and not too close that you are crowding the ball. The correct golf ball position is in the middle of your stance for wedges and short irons; half way between center and your left heel for long irons; and opposite your left instep for the driver. Once you have taken a couple of practice swings, move into the address position, but don't take to much time in the address position thinking about the shot - you will tire your arms and legs.

The Golf Swing

There are dozens of free golf tips that I could give you for the golf swing, but they are beyond the scope of a single article. Instead, I will give you the fundamental things to remember when you go to swing the club. Some are so obvious, but it is surprising how many people forget them when in the middle of a round of golf.

First, don't listen to the advice of some golf "experts" that say you should relax when swinging a golf club. The golf swing is a relatively aggressive and physical exertion, so you can't be relaxed. Neither should you be tensed up; you need to be like boxer just before he throws a punch.

To swing a golf club properly you need to be balanced. Keep the weight evenly balanced between the ball of your feet and your heel and slightly favoring the heels. Another thing that helps to keep your balance is by keeping your head as still as possible throughout the swing. Due to the physical forces of the golf swing, your head will move slightly but this is normal - just don't jerk your head or you will never be balance.

Keep your eyes on the ball at all times during your swing. This includes the backswing, the downswing, and just after the impact position. Don't try to follow the ball with your eyes the moment the club impacts the ball - keep your eyes on where the ball was until your head and eyes are forced round by the movement of the follow through.

Your golf swing speed should be consistent from the backswing all the way through to the follow through. Don't make the mistake of starting your backswing slowly and then wanting to speed up the downswing to blast the ball into oblivion. We have all had that feeling, when we are poised to start our downswing, that we can hit the ball a mile. Resist the urge; a fluid and consistent speed will out hit anyone trying to hit the ball too hard.

I hope you will keep these free golf swing tips in mind the next time you are out on the course. Like I said, some are so obvious that you will be saying that you knew to keep your eyes on the ball or don't hit the ball too hard, but believe me, when you focus on your game and you consciously remember to implement these tips, you will immediately see improvement in your game.

Mick Euan Tait writes about Golf Tips for Beginners and Free Golf Tips at his website where you will find all the information you need to learn golf or improve your game.

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